LH 3. mailakoek ondorengo albistea bidali digute! Nahastu egin ote dira? Albistea ingelesez bidali digute. Nahiz eta zuek hizkuntza hau ulertu, aprobetxatu aukera hau eta zuen seme-alabei galdetu zer jartzen duen.
A ze ekintza polita eta ikusgarria dakarten oraingoan ere! Zorionak 3. mailakoak, ausardia ere behar da dene aurrean azaltzeko!
Last week an incredible fashion week took place in Orokieta. Let’s talk about how these awesome third graders got ready for the big day. They learned all the cool words and grammar they needed to know about fashion. They had so much fun learning and wanted to show off their skills on the runway.
When the day finally came, there were a lot of butterflies in their tummies. Each kid had their own unique style.
Lots of people from the school came to watch, and even though the kids were nervous at first, they ended up feeling really proud. And you know what? Their teacher was super proud of them too!